Wednesday, April 29, 2009

VBPO Kuching Reward & Recognition Ceremony Quarter 1 - 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Culture of recognition and rewards encourages dedication, hard work and loyalty.

20th April 2009: VBPO Kuching, Sarawak,Malaysia: Reflecting the company’s passion for people and acknowledging their contribution to its ongoing success VBPO, hosted a dedicated appreciation ceremony for all contact center personnel. The event, held at the DACC's pantry, saw many people receive certificates and rewards in recognition of their efforts during for the 1st quarter for the year of 2009.

Name list of the award recepients:

Support Group - Most Outstanding Support Staff Q1 2009
1. Lindsay Bugang

Most Outstanding Team Leaders for Q1 2009
CMCC - Mohd Said Putit(not in the pic)
DACC - Jennifer Magdalen
SSCC - Noor Aysha Pulaverdeen
FMCC - Nurazida Baizura bte Sakeran

Credit Management Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009
1. Mohamad Olyia Yusuf
2. Anselm Julian Thomas(not in the pic)
3. Azizah Daem(not in the pic)

Fault Management Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009
1.Netty Anak Louis
2.Christina Irene Anak Michael
3.Cornelius Anak Willie

Directory Assistance Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009
1.Widyawati Abdullah
2.Yahana Wan
3.Syurnita Bujang

Sales & Service Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009
1.Felder Anak Naos
2.Lyndiana Anak Chendang
3.Shaun Anak Michael Siten

Sales & Service Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009

Support Group - *Mr. Unjil not in pic

Miss Evelyn(Head of CC) with the Operation Managers

Support Group - Most Outstanding Support Staff Q1 2009

Most Outstanding Team Leaders for Q1 2009

Credit Management Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009Directory Assistance Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009

Sales & Service Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Reasons Why Failure Can Be A Good Thing

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
How many dreams and goals have you put off because you were afraid of failing? How many times have you looked back on your life, thought of mistakes you’ve made, and kicked yourself over them? So many people allow failure to hold them back, when in reality failure can be a good thing!

Failure creates learning experiences:
Whenever you fail at something it touches you in a deeply emotional way. Although it feels negative at the time, it teaches you important lessons. You learn what doesn’t work, which can actually get you closer to success. Since it’s so upsetting to fail, you’ll try harder the next time.

Failure pushes you to a new level:
Even if you try and fail, you’ll never be the person you were before you started the path. You’ve pushed yourself to a new level, moved outside of your comfort zone, and are that much wiser for having attempted the task. If you constantly avoid pursuing goals and dreams for fear of failure you’ll never know what you can do. Trying and failing is better than never having tried at all.

Failure strengthens you:
Right after a failure you may feel weak, hurt, humiliated, knocked down, and/or frustrated. But something amazing happens once the original sting wears off, you actually become stronger in mind and spirit! With every effort put forth you grow stronger in character and increase your odds of achieving success. Since most people want to avoid the pain of failure, it can lead to greater focus and desire to succeed.

Failure makes you braver:
Whenever you put your efforts into trying something and you fail you build courage to try again. It’s usually fear of the unknown that actually holds people back, but once you’ve made it through a failure, taken a risk and lost, it won’t feel as scary the next time you try. Bravery doesn’t actually come from winning, but from the pursuit of goals—whether you succeed or not. By taking more chances you’ll build courage to keep trying until you meet with success.

Failure brings answers:
Never trying at all leaves you wondering. Could you have made it? Would you have actually met with success? You beat yourself up over missed chances and what the future may have been like if only you’d tried. By taking a risk, even if you fail, at least you will have answers and closure to this particular path. You’ll know what works and what doesn’t, and what you should do differently next time.

Failure opens new doors:
They say that everything happens for a reason, and failure is no exception. Maybe you interviewed for a job and didn’t get it, yet another one comes through that pays more and offers room for growth. Perhaps someone you’ve been dating suddenly breaks things off, and you meet someone ten times more wonderful. Failure is never the end of the road, but only the beginning of something potentially better.

Don’t view failure as bad luck, instead look at each attempt to reach your goals as a triumph. There’s always something to learn, ways to grow, different viewpoints to see, and new opportunities waiting just around the corner.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

VBPO Kuching (FMCC) Special Visit to Salvation Army

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Event : VBPO Kuching Salvation Army Charity Drive
Event Organizer : FMCC Kuching
Date: 04.03.2009

VBPO Kuching floor members made a special visit to the Salvation Army House at their Shelter in Simpang Tiga, Kuching to promote the importance of community volunteerism on April 4, 2009. Other staffs of VBPO Kuching such as Support Group-RTFM,ITF,Training & QA, were also in attendance to show their support.

Candy and icecream are quickly eaten, toys and games eventually lose pieces or break, and clothes and shoes are outgrown over time. But the one gift all of these material things bring that lasts a lot longer, perhaps even a lifetime, is the knowledge that somebody genuinely cared enough to help make a difference. The reaction from the children at the Salvation Army House as VBPO Kuching staffs voluntered to re-paint some parts of their hostel building & organized fun games for them was proof enough that it wasn't just so much the contribution,as it was the visit and interaction itself that seemed to excite the children most. We had lots of fun! =D . Scroll below for the pics.

From left:
The boy with Huttington disease,Major Kamala,Miss Evelyn(Center Head),Madam Liew(OM FMCC)

"Teacher Mell" with the children =P
The Mummy Returns, one of the winner

From left: Girl from Salvation Army house, Netty,Madam Liew(OM FMCC)

The kids & FMCC staffs

Pretty ladies painting the fences

From left: Yana, Netty, Joyce, Wee Li Li

Arthur & 'lil Arthur' posing as WALL-E look alike =D
*Craving for more photos? Indulge yourself at

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Maintain A Positive Mental Attitude

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A positive mental attitude results from a life dedicated to self-improvement and service. With a personal commitment to doing your best today, you don’t have to be overly concerned about tomorrow. You can be confident that good things will happen and be equally confident that if trouble comes you will havethe strength and skills to cope, take control and then conquer. You are tough.You stay at it. You don’t allow your doubts to destroy your dreams. Hope does spring eternal .You are thankful to have the curiosity to keep learning. You are grateful tosee opportunity knock so often. You are thankful to have the personality to keepmaking new friends. Your mind can only hold one thought at a time so makethat one thought positive. Count your blessings. The way is clear. The world is a better place because you are in it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Conficker Virus: Don’t Panic

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

One important topic that w should all be aware of today is Scanning for Conficker Virus. We must be fully equipped to find and identify the worm so we can do prevention because as the famous cliché goes, "Prevention is better than cure."
Before we aim to know how to scan for Conficker Virus, let us learn first what is this Virus. This Virus is the latest malware or malicious software invented by hackers to fuel their ill-natured desires. Among the viruses that were ever invented, based on the estimate damages and loss, This may be considered to be the most severe because as of the 26th January 2009, there is already an estimated 15 million computers around the world infected by this virus. Scanning for Conficker Virus is definitely a must if you do not want to add up on those figures or for all you know, you may already be one of them. Countries that are greatly affected include Russia, Brazil, China, and United Kingdom.
In order to know how to scan for CF Virus, it is important to understand first the symptoms of the Virus also known as Downadup and Kido.

Here is a list of the symptoms of Conficker Virus:
1. If you suddenly get locked out of directory, then you must consider the possibility that you may already be affected.
2. If you cannot get through security websites.
3. If you receive a very slow response from domain controllers.
4. If you receive automatic scheduled tasks.
5. If you get denial access to security sites and services.

Aside from these symptoms, you will also know that your computer is already infected by this Virus if after you perform a full system scan for it, you see these names/aliases of Conficker Virus:
1. For AVG Antivirus, Crypt.AVL 2. For Microsoft Antivirus, worm:win32/conficker.A and worm:win32/conficker.B 3. For Kaspersky, Trojan.win32.pakes.lxf 4. For Symantec, w32.downadup

Now Do you want to remove downadup fast? site shows you how to determine if you are infected, with detailed step by step instructions to get rid of downadup, and protect your PC from other worms, viruses, trojans, and many more.

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