Wednesday, April 29, 2009

VBPO Kuching Reward & Recognition Ceremony Quarter 1 - 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Culture of recognition and rewards encourages dedication, hard work and loyalty.

20th April 2009: VBPO Kuching, Sarawak,Malaysia: Reflecting the company’s passion for people and acknowledging their contribution to its ongoing success VBPO, hosted a dedicated appreciation ceremony for all contact center personnel. The event, held at the DACC's pantry, saw many people receive certificates and rewards in recognition of their efforts during for the 1st quarter for the year of 2009.

Name list of the award recepients:

Support Group - Most Outstanding Support Staff Q1 2009
1. Lindsay Bugang

Most Outstanding Team Leaders for Q1 2009
CMCC - Mohd Said Putit(not in the pic)
DACC - Jennifer Magdalen
SSCC - Noor Aysha Pulaverdeen
FMCC - Nurazida Baizura bte Sakeran

Credit Management Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009
1. Mohamad Olyia Yusuf
2. Anselm Julian Thomas(not in the pic)
3. Azizah Daem(not in the pic)

Fault Management Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009
1.Netty Anak Louis
2.Christina Irene Anak Michael
3.Cornelius Anak Willie

Directory Assistance Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009
1.Widyawati Abdullah
2.Yahana Wan
3.Syurnita Bujang

Sales & Service Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009
1.Felder Anak Naos
2.Lyndiana Anak Chendang
3.Shaun Anak Michael Siten

Sales & Service Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009

Support Group - *Mr. Unjil not in pic

Miss Evelyn(Head of CC) with the Operation Managers

Support Group - Most Outstanding Support Staff Q1 2009

Most Outstanding Team Leaders for Q1 2009

Credit Management Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009Directory Assistance Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009

Sales & Service Contact Center - Most Outstanding CSR Q1 2009


  1. nice...great touch admin...
    hopefully this culture wil continue to motivate CSR to become more better...

    Congratulations to those CSR

  2. how bout me..
    wah u guys 4got me hoh
    its ok
    i c u all on d road
    hahahahahaha "tetak penjahat"

  3. No beer served for RnR? Boring....
