Sunday, January 11, 2009

"X Company Call Center, Ms./Mr. Y Speaking.."

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Welcome to our Blog!

The Editor commitee at would officially like to welcome you to our Blog! This is the inaugural post and we thought now is the right time to open the door and start a conversation with Citizens of "One Zero Zero" about what's happening within our community.

We intend to use this blog to:
- Provide authentic messages about "One Zero Zero" and the efforts of our volunteer community.

Additionally we want to hear from you.

Is there something you would like to see improved or happening? When you've been around as long as we have, some people are bound to have great things to say, while others might have a few choice words based on their personal experience. Either way, we want to hear it :)
Here we will post comments, reviews, news, poret news or what not. :)

~The Editor commitee~


  1. hehe...aku 1st jd follower..maintain bagus2 mel, kelak ku promote ngan cdak lain..

  2. hahaha..mel b****(it's not wat ya tink)..gud job!!!

  3. Juz Remember.."There Will Be No Mercy"...

    ~Wihah Rulez~
